Tied Up With A Pretty Bow

I have a precious friend who loves using the above expression when describing situations in life. It's a real blessing when joys, events, problems, trials, or any ol' plan comes together in such a way that it's "tied up with a pretty bow". No loose ends, no snags to work out, no rehashing ideas, no figuring out a new course of action, no headaches, no more struggles....just all tied up and ready to go!

I've kind of adopted the saying myself. I like the mental image that it brings to my mind and I like the decluttering that my head and heart feel when I can "box up" something I have been working on or working through. Especially when it's wrapped up in a pretty bow! :)

But as she knows, I know, and all of you know...more often than not, there is no pretty bow. In fact, often the box is not even sealed, the contents are spilling out everywhere, and it's hard to see through the mess or even know what to do with the mess. Our plans have come undone, the to-do list is growing not shrinking, one of our kids is being defiant, the washer breaks down with a load in it and no money to fix it, the future looks unsure and unsettling, the getaway we planned is spoiled by a bout of the flu....and on and on it goes....right?!

What do I do when all I can see are open boxes and no pretty bows in sight?

The answer is as simple as the mess is messy! REST in the reality that God IS.

One of the names for God as seen in Exodus 3 is "I AM". God is not God of the past only but of the present and the future as well. He is an active God...actively at work in the lives of His children every second of every moment of every day of our lives. In her book "Practical Theology for Women" Wendy Alsup has some great thoughts on this:

"When God heats up our lives working out our pride, selfishness, and general wrong thinking, the resulting purified life is so much sweeter"

She asks several questions that helped me gauge where my own heart is at in the midst of the boxes:

"Do you believe that He is good? Do you believe His promise to work the hard things for good in your life? Do you trust that He is acting consistently with His claims of love for you? Simply put, do you believe Him? And in that dark moment, are you going to let your belief in His goodness or your despair over your struggle lead you? Truly, those who lose their lives in the arms of God's grace are the ones who finally see what true living really is."

Instead of trying to fix everything and manipulate my circumstances....or fall into discouragement and lose hope and peace...I can just REST. Rest in the sovereignty and promises of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Rest in the knowledge that I could gain the whole world and have all of life wrapped up in bows...but if I don't have Christ, I have nothing. Rest in the assurance and great hope that God will complete the good work He has started in me. Because, one day, my faith will be made sight and I will see how every box of testing, pain, and struggle was used for my good and His glory.

And no matter what today brings or what tomorrow holds, I can rest in the joy of knowing that my entire life is wrapped in the precious "bow" of Christ's righteousness...a righteousness that was secured by His life, death, and resurrection.

There is no need to battle for bows....the victory has already been won!
